Writer’s Digest
Writers helping writers improve their craft, achieve their goals and recognize their dreams—since 1920.
Our mission is to help ignite writers’ creative vision and connect them with the community, education and resources they need to bring it to life.
- Fiction
- Screenwriting
- Nonfiction
- Poetry
From inspiring prompts, practical techniques and insightful interviews, to instructional workshops, writing competitions and professional services—we help writers of all genres and formats develop their craft and hone their business skills at every stage of their career.
WritersDigest.com is the one-stop shop for information, resources and writing community. Writers can connect with other writers on our forum, visit our blogs and sign up for our free weekly e-newsletter. They’ll also find weekly writing prompts, contests and competitions, conference listings, and online exclusive articles. Visit WritersDigest.com
Script has been the leading source for information on the craft and business of writing for film and television since 1995. With inside information, articles written by working writers and filmmakers, and in-depth interviews, Script is the resource on every scriptwriter’s must-read list. Visit ScriptMag.com
Writer’s Digest Magazine
Every issue of Writer’s Digest magazine is devoted to helping writers develop their craft and hone their publishing acumen. Since 1920, Writer’s Digest has chronicled the culture of the modern writer and we continue this great tradition through relevant first-person essays, interviews with bestselling authors and profiles with emerging talent. Writer’s Digest also features practical technique articles, and tips and exercises on fiction, nonfiction, poetry and the business-side of writing and publishing. Subscribe Today!
Writer’s Digest Annual Conference
The Writer’s Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career—all while being inspired by successful authors and your fellow attendees. And it’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage of their career for more than 100 years. Learn more!
Writer’s Digest University
Writer’s Digest University combines world-class writing instruction with the convenience and immediacy of online education to create a state-of-the-art learning environment for writers seeking to improve their craft and learn about the business of writing. Workshops have been developed by professionals who not only know about the craft of writing, but also how to teach writing. Instructors are published writers—as well as editors, educators and seminar leaders providing informed, professional feedback. Learn more about Writer’s Digest University
Writer’s Digest Tutorials
Writer’s Digest Tutorials offers more than 350 video tutorials on all aspects of writing. A on-demand subscription provides expert instruction that can you take you all the way through the basics of the craft of writing to how to promote your published book. Learn more about our video writing tutorials!
2nd Draft
2nd Draft provides a high-level review of your writing, pointing out reasons your work may be getting rejected, or may not meet the standards of traditional publication. After an evaluation of your submission, one of the professional 2nd Draft editors will provide feedback and advice. You’ll not only learn what’s working in your writing, but what’s not, and—most important—how to fix it. Send your work to Writer’s Digest 2nd Draft Critique Service.
Writer’s Digest Competitions
Writer’s Digest offers several writing competitions, from short story and poetry-specific competitions to the Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition held annually for more than 80 years. Thousands of writers compete to see their work in print, win cash prizes, and to be introduced to top agents and editors, endorsed by the Writer’s Digest editorial team. Learn more about our writing competitions.
Writer’s Digest Shop
WritersDigestShop.com is dedicated to bringing writers of all genres and skill levels, the best books, webinars, professional resources, information, tips, and inspiration. Browse our Selection Today!
The Writers Store
Since 1982, The Writers Store has been respected worldwide as the premiere resource for Writing and Filmmaking tools. Now fully online, The Writers Store offers a variety of digital products relating to all aspects of screenwriting including tips, software, TV, features, genre, shorts, and more!